It can be said we all are literally captive audiences these days. There is a constant barrage of information from all media outlets, between the news, webinars, and Zoom panels, it is hard to take it all in and sort it out. Outside of the standard sources of media, I have also been plugged into a number of professional pipelines that I thought I would share with you in case you are looking for a different point of view or access to some additional business and industry information.
From the very beginning, Heather Cavanaugh, President and CEO of theStamford Chamber of Commercehas been providing an open line of communication regarding information and resources that can be of assistance to anyone that needs it. She has offered to share this resource to non-members, recognizing that we are all in this together. Heather was one of the first resources I turned to. She personally returned my call and we discussed the anguish of being separated from our families and parents during this stressful time. The chamber provided weekly webinars on how to navigate financial resources during this pandemic forced shut down of business; bringing together our local politicians and business leaders and expert panelists as a first resource for assistance. I am happy to share an example of one of her informative newslettershere. If you would like to be included on her mailings, I am sure you can reach out to her directly or I am happy to have you added to her list. Just let me know.
Another valuable and generous resource has been Fran Pastore, Chief Executive Officer of theWomen’s Business Development Council.Fran hosted a very informative Town Hall discussion with a fellow Event Planner Leslie Scotto, focusing on the effects of the pandemic on the Events Industry. Fran offered to bring our concerns to the Governor’s Reopening Committee. From the information shared on that call, many event professionals were able to secure financial assistance from some of the non-traditional sources that still had funds available. The WBDC is still hosting free weekly Zoom support calls as well as many free business resources as part of their regular business. They also were very responsive and I was able to schedule an appointment the next day after I reached out with my questions.
The outpouring of free resources and content from many organizations and professionals has been inspiring. One of my favorite sayings that has come out of this COVID situation is, “there is Unity in Community.”I find this rings true in so many ways. We are learning and realizing that we are so very interconnected and we can do so much to support each other- now that we are all forced to stay home. The Mayor’s Office in the City of Stamford also sends out daily updates which has lists and links that you might find helpful. I especially love that they included opportunities to volunteer and help our community and neighbors. Please clickHere for English andherefor Spanish.
When I need to take a break and find some inspiration or some humor, my “Go To” source during this time continues to beGretchen Rubin. I have quoted her before; her blogs and newsletters continue to keep me uplifted and smiling. In hermost recent newsletter, I was so pleased to find that she echoed some of my own thoughts and ideas! We must be kindred spirits! First she mentions the benefit of walking. I am a full on proponent of taking walks, unplugged, and the joy that can bring in the form of clearing your mind or bringing inspiration. I have shared this with many of my colleagues as my form of meditation. So easy to do. Remember David Letterman’s Top Ten list, she has her own:
I found I resonated with a number of them, and in fact, had some of them on my own list of things I might share in a newsletter with you! Such as #2, “use something you’ve been saving like candles or fancy food ingredients”; #6 “Use an appliance that’s never been used before” (I just used my juicer again the other day!) Love #9 “Wear a costume during a Video call”, I already checked off #10. #15 is a weekly exercise in cleaning the fridge. #17 and #19 go hand and hand with me, and lastly, I love #20, straight out of anIrma Bombeck quote!
I hope you found these resources helpful. Feel free to share them with your friends and colleagues; we are all in this together. If you would like more information or need assistance in subscribing to one of the above mentioned resources, please let me know and I would be happy to assist you. As CT is starting Phase 1, I look forward to finding ways that we can work together soon!
Enjoy this unique Memorial Day weekend